Well, this is a little exciting. I am only a few months away from my 5 year anniversary of having my gallbladder removed. The big day will be on 8/26/2016. Five years ago it fell on a Friday, and this will also be a Friday. Even more reason to celebrate into the weekend.
Thinking back, 5 years ago today I was under a ton of stress. I had gone through a number of bad gallbladder attacks (some had forced me to leave work and lay in my bed for hours). My doctors had been looking at my gallbladder and felt it was advisable to remove it.
Major surgery. Very scary. Sure, nothing compared to real issues and surgeries, but to me, a healthy 36 year old guy, it was the first thing I needed to have done outside of wisdom teeth being pulled and a few knee and head stitches from various times I was playing too rough as a boy.
Now I was told I was going to be put under, cut open, and a have an organ removed! This did not sit well with me. At the time, I started taking walks, and I developed a playlist on my smartphone that was essentially 20-30 of my favorite relaxation songs. Going on these walks and listening to these tunes seemed to help ease my worries. I found it cathartic.
If you are in these shoes, find something that takes the edge off for you. It helps.
As for me, I am looking forward to the next 5 years, and continue to try to EAT A CLEAN DIET, the thing that would have likely prevented this from the beginning.
Cheers all!