A blog about my recent gallbladder removal, surgery and recovery. The audience of this blog is those who are going through or are about to go through this experience. Please feel free to ask questions and I would be happy to answer whatever I can.

I recommend starting with the first post and working your way forward in time for the complete picture!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 1: The Day After Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Note: It has now actually been two weeks since my surgery, so I am not posting these real time. This post is about the day or two just after my surgery that was two weeks ago.

The day after my surgery, I made the decision to stop taking painkillers. Quite frankly, I am not a fan of taking them. They make me thirsty, and if you take painkillers long enough you start needing a higher dosage and you experience withdrawal symptoms (headaches initially). So after only popping a few of those on the day of surgery, I switched to good old Advil on day 2. Make sure you consult your doctor about the medications, especially if you plan to mix medications. If you take painkillers and Tylenol, for example, you are overdosing on acetaminophen.

The very first day after surgery, my abdomen feels very swollen and tender. I was regularly warning my little girls not to run into me, climb on me or try to hug me, for fear of the discomfort. At this point I was trying not to sneeze or cough when possible. I also had to have my wife keep our 10 month old Golden Retriever puppy caged up and away from me, because the idea of her jumping up on me with those paws and nails was too frightening. Also, quick movements (like twisting to avoid your dog jumping up on you) could cause a lot of quick pain, and put a scare in you. I recommend thinking ahead and planning for your recovery.

Planning for Your Recovery:

  • If possible you should try to see if someone can be around to help you the first few days. Getting up can be a chore, and although you want to get on your feet and move around, it's nice if someone can get the mail for you, help with laundry, carry groceries, do dishes, etc.
  • Make sure if you have a dog you have someone who can walk it as you shouldn't be lifting weight or dealing with a dog pulling on a leash. Maybe even have someone take the dog for you for at least a few days.
  • Make sure you have a few different sized pillows ready, because you will find sleeping is difficult at first and you may need to be sitting at a specific angle to be comfortable.
  • Buy some foods in advance that you feel with be gentle on your stomach. I bought food like chicken noodle soup, lentil soup, graham crackers, etc. Some doctors will tell you to avoid foods high in fat, other doctors will say eat whatever you feel like. Listen to your doctor, of course, although I found that I was able to eat pretty much anything.
Note: You can probably grin and bear the discomfort of any of these items, but ask yourself if it's worth the small risk of tearing open an incision (inside or outside). For me, better safe than sorry, and once you start healing up you quickly recover enough to take care of yourself again.

The First Few Nights of Sleep after Gallbladder Removal Surgery

My first night of sleep was pretty uncomfortable. As I mentioned earlier, I found it easier to stand up than sit or lay down. As your abdomen is bloated, this makes some sense simply because sitting requires you bending that bloated/swollen abdomen. Laying down just seemed to make things uncomfortable, and even a little painful. I was only able to sleep on the first night by using two pillows so I was at a 15% bent angle, and I had to rotate just a bit to my left (elevating the gallbladder area).

I went to bed around 10 PM that night, and I slept for 2 hours before waking up in too much discomfort. At that point, I got up and moved around the house, had some water, read some email. This lasted about an hour, and then fatigue took me again and I went back to bed. I did the same thing the second time. 2 hours more of sleep, and then an hour of moving around at 3 AM. After another hour up, I went back to bed for 2-3 hours, and got up for good around 6 AM.

This was by far my worst night, and the good news is that the sleeping got progressively better each night. On the second night I stayed in bed for 6-7 hours, waking up a few times just to use the bathroom and then right back to bed. By the third night I think I was sleeping more soundly, using 1 pillow, for 6-7 hours. 

Looking into the future, by the end of week one I was able to turn on my left side for periods of time without a problem, and now 2 weeks later I can sleep on either side comfortably.

Dealing with your Incisions and Showering

The incisions are tender the few days after surgery, especially the belly button incision. I have always had a very sensitive navel however, so that may just be my experience. There is surgical glue over all of the incisions that you need to be careful not to wash off.

I was told to wait two days before showering, which I did, so towards the evening of day 3 I took a shower. Washed my hair and other areas, and tried to avoid getting water on my abdomen area where the incisions are. 

As each day passed, you feel more comfortable and confident taking a shower and allowing your incisions to get wet.


My appetite on the first few days was there, just not very strong. My stomach felt the way I imagine a lap band might make you feel. I would get minor hunger pains, and feel full very quickly. The internal swelling probably lead to the stomach feeling more compressed and thus full quicker.

On the day after surgery, I was sticking to soup and salad and crackers. By day two, I was already venturing out into other foods like chicken, with no real problems. I was still avoiding foods like eggs, bacon, red meat and such. Just didn't feel that brave. I also tried my first coffee on day 2, no issues there.


  1. thank you so much,my surgery is tomorrow and i already made all the same plans you did ,including crating my 118 pound boxer lol....but it was nice to look and see that i didnt forget anything but different sized pillows and to know what to expect more or less.

    1. This post has been invaluable albeit many moons old. I had my procedure yesterday 17/08/2021 and I'm feeling the post surgery ached and pains now. It's very reassuring the pains I'm getting are normal. The ached in the shoulder caused by blowing me up with Co2 is a weird one. Strangely I slept quite well on my 1st night. Probably due to my late surgery time and not going to bed until 01:30. I tried a bacon sandwich this morning and it was fine but now attempting big volumes. After being on an 800 calories diet for 2 weeks my stomachs and liver have shrunk. Plus I had 2 ERCP procedures 3 weeks prior, + biliary sepsis and jaundice. Never mind, I'm on the mend now.

  2. Thank you for your post. Helps me a lot since I'm only in my fist 24 hrs after surgery. Good to know it gets better from here bc last night I was up every hour to every hr and a half. And like you said very uncomfortable. Can't wait to get the next couple days done with. :)

    1. I'm now on night 4 after the op and lay on my side but it all feels "tuggy" and painful. I am wondering if this is normal. It is so hard to know what to do for the best. Oh how I am missing the profiling hospital beds!!

    2. Rosemary - it is normal. I went through the same thing and it really took me a week before I could get decent sleep - its hard to get comfortable.
      Try lots of pillow combinations to see what works the best. I found elevating my right side helped

    3. Thank you, I just want it to go and be better now! I appreciate your reasurrance

    4. This blog is great. I have my surgery tomorrow and this has helped my nerves considerably.

    5. Your post is helpful as I am into 15 hours post surgery. I am taking the demerol and gabapentin. I have slept off and on with pillows in a sleep number bed. One small pillow on my tummy as my kitty and 2 of 3 dogs are sleeping along side of me. They sense something is different and have been gentle. My hubby took two vacation days to wait on me as I heal. I,too,planned ahead and put food on counter and in freezer. He's been a big help.

  3. Hi all - I had my surgery last tuesday, and was searching the web about sleeping on my right side? It hurts more to elevate the right side for me? I keep waking up on my right side (lay on my incesions) worried I'm going to create problems but I don't realise I'm turning in my sleep? I think its because I'm so uncomfy on my back. Good luck to all upcoming surgeries :) x

    1. Don't worry about it, you can sleep anyway that is comfy. It is mainly just bruising you feel deep in the muscles. Xxx

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your story I have just has my op yesterday and first night at home I am so tired but as it hurts to lay down was searching for a way to sleep your tips are fantastic now I am not scared to sleep though am still scared of the incisions somehow popping open..

  5. This is excellent with I read it before my surgery., instead of 5am day after surgery. But this exactly how I've been. Sleep has been at a tilt or sorting up in comfort chair. I didn't want to take painkillers, instead I took a nausea pill, which I regretted later. I've been chewing on saltine crackers and finally at 1am I had chicken soup. At 530 am I had 4 thin slices of a banana. Now I'm gonna finally take motrin for pain I prefer this then Norco. Thanks again for the info cause the first night is horrible.

  6. what does it feel like when you wake up? I get mine next week and I have never had surgery before or stiches or broken bones.. so im nervous about how painful it will be when i wake up

    1. Just had my surgery yesterday. It will hurt when you wake up, but they will quickly control the pain.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I was in alot of pain when I woke up but they soon gave me pain relief

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Chelsea - first of all, good luck tomorrow and I hope all goes well tomorrow. It's totally normal to be nervous, I know I was and it was also my first surgery. I broke a pinky and had stitches on my knee as a kid but this was different. Stitches are no sweat as they will be done before you even wake up! Stitches are easy anyway.

    The way it works when waking up is that you slowly come out of anesthesia so you are loopy and half out of it. You are also on some heavier painkillers when you wake up that fade away slowly over many hours so it's not a drastic thing. Your body will feel more "sore" than anything else because they had to cut a small incision in your muscles - it's like having a cramp from running and sore muscles.

    I had a little bit of a bad experience (you can read about it), coming out of anesthesia a little early - I believe while they were moving me from the OR table to a bed. They put me back out quickly, and I was 75% out of it when that was happening. Once I woke up in the recovery room and my wife was there, the pain wasn't really bad - I just felt bloated and uncomfortable

    They also give you painkillers and a prescription so you can Pop them every 4-6 hours. I would recommend weening off them as soon as you feel comfortable enough to do so but not if pain levels are high! That's what the meds are for.

  8. I must also add to all of those having gallbladder surgery that your shoulders will hurt specially around your neck area.

    1. Yes, this is true. It was worse than the other pain for me.

    2. I never had the shoulder pain. I am now 6 days post surgery and aleeping and moving around are still horrible. I have to consciously use my leg muscles to sit down and stand up so im not using my abdominals.

    3. I had a laparoscopic tubal ligation 25 years ago and had no discomfort other than shoulder pain for 2 days after. As I recall, shoulder pain is from the abdominal cavity being filled with air to make room to carry out the procedure. I believe that one is placed with head lower than feet during surgery for the same reason. Having choly surgery in 3 days and am glad I found this informative blog posting.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. How soon to have a beer?

    1. Good question. I don't have an official answer, and it has been a long time since this happened for me. I would say that after any surgical procedure, I'm not touching alcohol right away, as it thins blood (initially) and then dehydrates you (after), neither of which sound conducive to me for healing, especially if you are already popping pain-killers and/or ibuprofen.

      I had cut out alcohol for a while leading up to the surgery since I was trying anything to fix the gallbladder pain, so it wasn't so hard for me to lay off the sauce when the surgery came around. Check with your doctor. If I had to guess I would say a few weeks to a month.

    2. Had my surgery 2 days ago. My instructions are no alcohol for 2 months. Thanks for this blog. Has helped me deal with trying to sleep.

    3. Had my surgery 2 days ago. My instructions are no alcohol for 2 months. Thanks for this blog. Has helped me deal with trying to sleep.

  11. I was instructed to stay away from gas producing and spicy foods until doctor's ok, and no alcohol for 24 hours. I am going to continue not drinking, however, just to be in the safe side.

  12. Thank you for this blog - I also wish I had read it before my surgery instead of 5am the next day :).

  13. This blog is really helping with my nerves. I'm 16 and I'm suppose to meet with the surgeons this coming week to disscuss my surgery date. I'm glad there are others going through the anxieties of having surgery for the first time

  14. Im on day one couldn't sleep and was googling "sleeping on my side". So far it feels better laying elevated. Before i left the surgery center, the nurse gave me a few tips: ice packs on the incisions,,walk around as soon and often as you can, if you can't walk around stretch your legs. This will help so you don't get blood clots in the legs. BURP...Drink 7up or ginger ale to help release the air from the abdomen. When i got home i noticed i had a sharp pain in my shoulder, i was told it could be air from my abdomen abd it can last a few days. It has been the most painful. Thanks for all the info on this blog.

  15. Thanks for posting. I had my surgery yesterday. Can't really be on my feet for long my backs starts hurting. I will attempt to walk more tomorrow.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Hello everyone, I had my surgery yesterday afternoon and I'm in some pain. I was given oxycodone, but I have been taking ibuprofen during the day (400 mg) and the oxycodone at night since it makes me sleepy. It was my 1st time getting surgery ever, and I was very nervous about being put to sleep. Everything went well, but I've been pretty sore (my throat, shoulder, stomach). I have been walking around the house and took a shower today, hopefully I will feel better soon.

    1. Let me know how things go, we are close in postop so I'm curious how you manage foods...

  19. Like most of you, I am reading this on Day 1, wait I guess since it is 5:30 am CST, Day 2, instead of before surgery. I have not slept a wink since coming out of surgery. The pain from the gas in my abdomen and the extremely frequent urination has kept me up and is what bothers me the most. I am sore, but have ate chicken noodle soup with crackers. So far so good. Good advice on the Sprite, it does help with burping up! For anyone still in the beginnings of recovery, I wish you the best of luck in a speedy one. For those who are fixing to have surgery, I was scared too, but it is over before you know it.

  20. Hi guys! I have not slept a wake since yesterday at when I went in for surgery. I'm exhausted. The worst so far for me is the pain from the gas in my abdomen coupled with the fact that I am extremely frequently urinating. I which I would have read this blog 2 days ago, haha! On a plus note, I am only sore, which is bearable, and I have ate chicken noodle soup with crackers and Sprite with no repercussions. Good advice on the sleep positions, I'm going to try those in a few minutes, hopefully it works! For those in recovery who read this, I wish you the best of luck with your speedy recovery. For those who are doing well and have recovered, God bless you for you comments.

  21. I am reading this at 4:10am of course the day after my surgery technically I can't get back to sleep because I'm scared to take my Tylenol #3's because I'm pumping my breast milk so I'm trying to lay off narcotics I was taking just plain Tylenol but it doesn't seem to help this gas pain is a real hassle I mean the incision tenderness I can deal with I felt with puching out 2 kids with out any pain meds....I think I would prefer that recovery right now that. this one this sucks but I do have an appetite I started with water and juice than made myself some broth than I had toast than I had some oatmeal but honestly I also took stool softeners to help move this along hoping that would make me feel better but nothing yet honestly my throat is really swollen and painful from the breathing tube and my chest hurts alot to breathe but this gas pain is definetly the worst of it I can't sleep on my back elevated the only thing giving me some relief from the pain is a heated blanket wrapped around the top half of my body II feel so bad for my husband having to take care of both me and my 3.5 month old son as well as going to work and thank god I got my friend coming over during the day to take care of my son but honestly its going to suck I am just in so much pain all around and I don't even have the energy to get up and get the ibuprofen to make me feel better

  22. I had my surgery 2 days ago and its extremely painful on my R side like stabbing pain to lay flat. But walking and sitting is not as bad. I been walking a lot and I want to cough but it hurts so bad. Is it this pain when lay down normal gosh it hurts so bad like taking something inside out of place ouch!!

    1. Your description sounds just like my post above. Lying down was more painful - walking felt better. I was also afraid to cough. Hang in there ... You should feel slightly better each day going forward if things get worse see your doc!

    2. Yea the coughing does hurt . My surgey was too days ago and my pain in all I'm my back and I been breathing a lot heavy

  23. Thank you this blog j has helped me i just wish I would have read it before surgery as others have also commented. I had surgery yesterday morning and I got to come home but only slept a few hours. I'm hungry but constipated and scared to really eat anything. I'm Eating Ritz Crackers And Drinking water. Hoping maybe I can try something more for breakfast. I'm in pain they gave me oxycodone but I just remembered the doc told me to try advil liquid gels and they are helping. I noticed also that it feels better to be up walking than sitting/laying. Has anyone else had trouble with constipation and did you take stool softener or laxative to help?

    1. For the constipation, know that painkillers cause that. One of the reasons I went off the painkillers and stuck with the ibuprofen as soon as I could was to get things moving. You also aren't eating a lot of food, and crackers (or other gentle foods like rice, bread) all are known to cause constipation since they are binding foods. Get a lot of liquids. I can't speak for the laxatives but for me getting off the painkillers was the biggest fix for the constipation.

  24. I had surgery yesterday and I'm feeling the pain.. Not trying to take all those pain meds either. I've been walking around in the house to avoid the gas pains. Is there any other advice? I feel like I'm pushing it to much

  25. Thank you so, so much! My surgery is tomorrow and I was EXTREMELY nervous in spite of working in Emergency Trauma for almost 15 years. It's funny how it's no sweat when it is someone else but a bottle of nerves when it is you that is the patient. Glad I rented a TON of videos and got some extra pillows, sounds like my first night will be spent in the company of these. I also note I have had some under rib to shoulder pain already and wonder from reading the above if this might worsen after surgery. I don't like painkillers but will take them the first day out. Thanks again!

    1. Good luck Vanessa! I'm sure everything will turn out great. Take the painkillers as long as you need to. This is a one time deal and the healing will fly by.

  26. Hi everyone. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm on day 3, counting from the day after my surgery. It was an amazing experience. I never had surgery done so being able to be put to sleep and which felt like a blink of an eye being told to wake up was amazing to me.thanks for your info. I'm dealing and almost pain free. Chest is sore from maybe putting gas in me as well as back right shoulder. Thanks again for your info. Tells me what I'm doing is right...

  27. I am just about 12 hrs out of surgery. My instructions for sleep are to not lay flat for 2 to 3 days, to utilize the recliner or numerous pillows such as you did. The feeling of being blown up like a balloon is a little uncomfortable due to the air they put in you. The shoulder pain is an air pocket from what the recovery nurse told me. Walking does seem to help relieve this just be careful if your on pain meds as you could feel woozy or dizzy when getting up. Also they recommended using a heating pad to ease some discomfort, it has allowed me to not use the pain killer but twice. I believe I will be switching to ibuprofen next as I'm not a fan of pan killers either. Hugging a pillow has helped me some when the post op cough rears it's ugly self. Very informative blog you did. Glad to know kind of what to expect over the next few days! Thank You, hopefully a couple of my tips will help someone as well.

  28. Hi everyone! I am a 38 year old female & yesterday @ 11a was the 1st surgery I've ever had. I was nervous at first, but family & music helped me calm down. Before they roll you down, they give you a drug intravenously to help you calm down. My tolerance for any medication is super low and it works on me fast. I don't remember anything else from that point until they woke me up in the recovery room. I kept hearing a series of beeps and the nurse telling me to breath and they were monitoring my pain level. After an hour, i was rolled back into a room. They make sure you're able to sit up on the side of the bed, walk to check lightheadedness and to urinate before releasing you to go home. I immediately asked if I can take ibuprofen 800mg instead of the narcs. My pain level is high. I also didn't want to stay loopy and/or be constipated after a stomach surgery. They gave me the ok. I was told that I wasn't going to be hungry when I came out of surgery, but I was. I preshopped before surgery. I bought healthy choice healthy request soup (chicken noodle & chicken and rice), oatmeal, veggie straws w/ sea salt, mini pretzels, fruit cups,100% mini ocean spray juice, ginger ale and water. I ate soup & veggie straws. I was also told to make sure i walk as often as possible to avoid blood clots. I put up laundry & that helped me walk. I was uncomfortable and able to sleep in bouts last night. I did experience the shoulder pain, but no gas in my tummy. I went to the bathroom about 4 times. I have a body pillow, my regular pillow and a square one. I slept on my back. When I tried my right side, it felt as if something was pulling. It's a lil uncomfortable getting up b/c you use your stomach muscles. I woke with constant pain only in the top incision. I can't feel the others except when in getting out of bed. I think the ibuprofen is helping me a lot with the swelling and inflammation. I'm hungry now. I hope this will help someone. Happy Healing ☺

  29. Hi, thank you for your story on this it helped a lot! I'm on my 1st day after surgery and in much pain,(throat, stomach, and shoulder.) I think using the pillow elevation helps and i also drank some Sprite. I hope to be healing quickly and hope everyone else does too.

  30. I'm wishing I had stumbled upon this blog prior to my December 30th surgery ;)

    Thanks to everyone for their posts and comments though! The one tidbit I'll add is this: ice packs on the incisions are a great idea, helps with swellimg too. For the shoulder pain I recommend heat. If you have a rice bag or a heating pad place it just behind your shoulder and over the top of it bringing it to the front. Doing that and keeping my arm slightly elevated helped me sooooo much!

    Now, if I can get past this bout of constipation I'll be doing okay...

  31. Me too, this a great blog. I had my gallbladder removed Dec 30 th, too. We plan to leave the country beginning in Feb to an area where I would have not wanted emerg surgery if I had another flare up. I had heard this was an easy surgery and could be back to work after the New Year. Probably true, if my husband drove me to work and I had an easy desk job in which my boss also allowed me to be very high on oxy. I took one oxy when I got home and it took the pain down but the feeling of being spacey was not a good feeling for me. The gas and incisions were painful, but worst of all is the constipation. Food tasted funny and my teeth felt fuzzy, one of my inside incision tooth felt chipped. Still having difficultly sleeping on my sides. I can't believe I never thought of ice or heat. I have been showering daily starting the day after I got home, keep clean the incisions and getting that antibio soap off of me that was given prior to surgery really helped. Being bloated by the gas, it hurt to cough, pass gas, burp and laugh. Not a good idea to watch a funny movie or u tube. Warning the first day out of surgery I was scared about not being able to urinate, actually called the Drs office before they closed and the nurse told me to chill ( not her exact words ). It came back that night, but it came back slow. Another stupid thing I did was put a bandage on the insicion that is under my breast bone for one day because it was rubbing on my shirt too much due to bloating, now I wear my hubby shirts and hip high pants. Since I have a long history of IBS with constipation my doctor had given me a drug called Linzess. I had to use this six days out because of the bowel was active with sounds but no output. It's been one week, I have been on several walks and try to keep the house up. Today I'm going to practice lying on my left side, yesterday I worked on my right side - the muscles are very weak and it is what hurts the most post one week. I'm in my early 60s and blogging isn't something I do but if this is helpful I certainly like to pass it on. I recall saying several times the first few days I wish I hadn't done this so close to our trip, but I think I have to turn the glass over and see it is half full. Now, I look at this day forward as training for a run or Marathon. I will be able to leave the country and be free of the worry of flare ups, just wonder what the food will do to me. Go forth and heal.

  32. Hi I'm sat here at 1am and I'm in pain I had my gallbladder removed today and the one thing I am struggling with is the trapped wind. It is actually worse than the actual surgery pain. Taking painkillers as instructed I'm struggling to move around don't know what to do with myself,as I'm so tired.

    1. Hang in there. The pain from the trapped air is no fun at all, and painkillers don't help much with it. Gently try and move around, and remember that air tends to move up. So if you can get yourself on one side or another it may help it move out of a more painful pocket.

      The body absorbs the air over time - it's just a slow process. Sorry you are going through it, good luck.

  33. I don't throw how you guys can stop the pain killers so quickly. I had surgery yesterday at 9:15 am and I am in so much pain. The three incisions next to my ribs don't even get close to even adding up to the pain in my belly button. I am a not her one that can only lay on my right side. My Perkiset (excuse my spelling) is not even touching the pain and I am terrified of running out.

    1. Hey Aussie Mom,

      So sorry you are feeling so much pain. I do remember the pain was pretty bad the first day or two. I didn't sleep much, but the body is amazing and it recovers quickly as each day goes by.

      Take the pain killers as long as they are needed, that's what they are for. You will know when the right time is.

      Best of luck!!

  34. Had my surgery this morning and wide awake in pain as can't get comfortable, so tired but no position helps, just the trapped wind pain. You've all given me hope though and made me realise I'm not alone, thank you!

  35. Really great reading everyone's different ideas and experiences.

  36. This helped me a lot, including with how to sleep since I tend to sleep on my side so I can kiss that goodbye for a while. I'm having my surgery the 4th of March, and I'm only 21 the gallbladder attacks I've been getting them since 2012 and my gallbladder should've been removed last year due to gallstones. Thank you for this though, it helps!

  37. This helps me a lot, including for how to sleep since I sleep on my side. I've had gallstones since 2012, so I've been having gallbladder attacks since then and they are the worst. I'm only 21 and on the 4th of this month I'm having surgery to get my gallbladder removed. And your post helps me a lot, so thank you for posting about your experience.

  38. Hi. I just had my gallbladder removed the 16th of March and everything you listed here is right on.. up have to be careful with the painkillers bc I have a 4 month old to take care of. I hate sleeping on my back bc I already have a bad back so sleeping is a real chore. Luckily I have my mom's help.

  39. Post op 24 hours. Home and hugging the pillow. No narcotics for me either. I prefer ibuprofen. It's hard to stay upright for too long. Sitting is good. No way in heck am I going to lay down anytime soon. I feel like my belly needs a lift and feeling some muscle spasms.

  40. Hi everyone
    Go my gallbladder out about 10 hours ago. I can't sleep cause I have to be on my back and it always makes me feel like I can't breath. Just took my first painkiller at home and hate taking them because I don't like how they make me feel. I have been doing the ice pack and that helps a little but I have to be honest I didn't think it was going to be this painful! I have been up since 6am it's now 3am and I can't sleep!!!! The gas is awful..... We are going to Disney in 12 days I hope and pray this gets better for me and all of you

    1. How did it work out? I'm two days post op and days before Disney. Curious how you dealt.

  41. I had open gallbladder surgery on Thursday, the 145th. Came home Sunday. I am tolerating the oain, but the bloating is miserable. I have walked and walked. I am having pain in my back. I have been taking gas x for the gas pain, zantac for indigestion and miralax for constipation. I had my first bowel movement today. Wasn't a lot but at least I had one. I'm just wondering how long I will have this bloated feeling. I look 8 months pregnant.

    1. Welcome to the gang. It will get better, it does take some time. At this point I basically forget I even had the surgery 99 percent of the time. But the bloating does last a few days and the gas pains are rough.

  42. Hi I just had my surgery 2 days ago. I only eat porridge and crackers. Im scared to eat meat yet. Ive been passing gas but no BM. I am really worried. I feel bloated as well.

    1. Neneng, no need to rush things. If you are painkillers - it is very common to be constipated at this stage. Bread and porridge are both binding as well which might make it worse. Try introducing some fruit. Prunes, apples, etc.

    2. thank you so much for your response. I'll eat more fruits.

  43. Hi again, Can I eat cake, barbecue, and spaghetti 6 days after my surgery? :(

    1. Well, I believe my doctor told me I could eat whatever I wanted to, at any time. He said I probably wouldn't feel up to it, but said technically I could. The removal and incisions were not part of the path that food takes through your system.

      The main thing that is a problem without a gallbladder is fatty foods. So cake, spaghetti should be fine. BBQ? Really depends, is it BBQ chicken? Probably fine. Is it super fatty brisket or pulled pork? Different story.

    2. They actually gave me a bag of Lay's potato chips within 2 hours of my surgery because I needed something to eat. Then I came home and I have macaroni and cheese and rice and a turkey hot dog. Had absolutely no problems with any of the food. The only problem I'm really having is the same issues with getting comfortable to sleep

  44. Hi. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago. I still cant sleep on my side. Also is it normal to still get sore near the top incision when I fist sit up in the morning.

    1. If you are having any issues, the best thing is to check in with your doctor. I can't remember now when my first follow-up appointment was, but for the most part I was pretty normal, but I do remember having nagging aches and discomfort that would come and go for the first few weeks.

  45. Hello everyone, i had my surgery on the 13th & it has been an experience. I am still trying to be comfortable at night just as everyone else, I prop up pillows and it seems to work. I have been getting 4-6 hours of sleep. My diet is bland, low fat, I was instructed no fatty or spicy foods. I have sipped sprite not for sure if it's helping, but i am burping & releasing gas without the assistance of soda. You want to definitely have someone to help you, that part was a challenge for me because I am used to being independent & strong. The pain has subsided substantially, i took pain pills 1st 2 days, but the second day I only took one for the whole day. I do not like taking pain meds. I will be walking today, day 3 still waiting on BM. I've taken stool softeners, hopefully soon.

    1. Hi Patricia. Im nearly 4 weeks Post Op. Still not comfortable sleeping on my side but getting there.I sleep with a pillow under my knees. I find it more comfortable. Also I got stuck into the fruit. It made BM a lot easier. Hope you feel better soon.

  46. I had laparoscopic gallbladder removal two days ago. The pain is worse in the top incision near the breastbone. I wake up in the middle of the night and getting up is horrendous. I feel pain in my chest and shoulder. It's so hard to lay on my back and can't lay on either side. I'm grateful for this forum and how people are dealing with this.

    1. Hang in there! The first several days are for sure the peak of the discomfort.

  47. Had surgery June 2, still can't lay ina bed, use a recliner. My problem is I can't bend over, can't raise my arms up. Something snappedin the top incision and I am in so much pain, my gp will send my for a scan in a couple weeks in same condition continues. Could be a rupture, really hurts.

    1. I'm super sorry to hear this news. Sounds like something is amiss, and hopefully your doctors can figure out what it is.

  48. Just got my gallbladder out yesterday. It was fine. I woke up in pain. But was loopy and out of it. I was able yo drink water and eat I had no fever to issue at all. I got my perks and was able to leave. Since I had the perks I've been okay. Hurts more in the belly button area. Just act like your pregnant when u try to get up. Scoot your butt to the edge and use your hand to push you up. Any gas you have left over try to pee a lot and or fart. In your shoulder you will have some gas. Move it around so it gets rid of the gas or have someone rub it. Your throat might hurt after. Keep hydrated and try to eat light when you leave the hospital. No smoking until your cleared by the dr. No alcohol. No sex until your comfortable with it. If u want sex make sure the guy is on top or the girl is on top. Depends who had it done. Nice and slow is fine. Good luck to anyone who gets it done. Its not that bad. It will be over before you know it.

  49. I know this is an older blog but i came across it while searching recovery tips and figure i would share my experience. I had my gallbladder out 10 days ago. Today is the first day I haven't had much pain, could wear jeans again lol, and felt pretty much normal. The worst pain for me has been in my back,my incision under my breast bone and in my right groin (I am not sure if this is just due to having a prior c-section or what). At this point though my incisions just feel like they are kind of on fire from my nerves. I still have a small amount of swelling on my right side. Sitting for a long time makes it feel like my ribs are crossed (idk how else to explain it lol). I tend to get tired a little easier than normal still though and have some more discomfort in the evenings which is usually the time of day all things feel worse anyways. I have been lifting my 22lb nephew for 2 days now with no problems and eating whatever I want from the get. I was very bloated for about 8 days then it started to subside finally!! I didn't have a BM for three days despite taking stool softners but when I did finally go it was normal and not painful at all. As far as sleeping... I have been sleeping on the couch up to last night. I used two big pillows under my head and a small pretty flat pillow under my side because I find it much more comfortable to sleep on my left side. I can also lay on my right side for a short time now. The more time that passes the more I just feel everything loosen up and return to normal. I swore I was going to have a permanent hunchback but I don't lol!! I felt no pain after I woke up from my surgery as some did. What have I missed.... I took percocets for like 6 days but mostly at night just so I could sleep. I only slept about 2 hrs at a time until day 4. I think that pretty much covers my experience! Thank you to everyone for sharing yours :)

  50. Hi all. This blog has reassured me that I am not experiencing anything out of the norm. Had my surgery 4 days ago. Incisions are starting to feel better, still stabbing if I cough or laugh but I can carry firewood and walk without pain. Not bending over or compressing the abdomen yet. No situps yet. :-)
    My sleep is still painful lying on my right side but the left is only uncomfortable so I can at least sleep a few hours that way. Sleeping in one position and sitting too much is causing back pain though. I walked for an hour today. Felt ok.
    Someone mentioned they feel like their ribs are interlocking when they sit. I get that if I lie on my right side... they even sorta "clunk" like a bound muscle being forced over the rib (might be my diaphram). Anyway,just reassuring to know I will be ok in time. Going to France in 3 weeks and want to be good to go.
    Thanks everyone for sharing. Real experiences shared are such a blessing to all.

  51. I had my surgery this morning around 8am. My incisions hurt every time I go from sitting to standing and pain medicine isn't working. The gas in the chest and shoulder is by far the worst though. I found that leaning over the counter with my head down helped a lot. I felt like I burped 100 times but the gas pain came back later. The pain medicine also isn't helping the gas pain. I'm taking Norco and ibuprofen. The chest/shoulder pain associated with the gas is preventing me from taking deep breaths. If I take a full breath, it feels like my chest is cracking. Tonight is going to be miserable trying to sleep.

  52. Just had my op yesterday. First thing I had was a popsicle and had my boyfriend go to cvs for my pain meds and target to get soup, Gatorade and sea salt dark chocolate(finally allowed to eat something I crave) and subway for dinner. Food wise I found that I'm having no issues with anything thus far(yay)! I've been 99% bedridden because it hurts to stand, I have to hold a pillow to my abdomen when walking because it feels swollen and the pressure alleviates the pain somewhat. The first day I would pee standing up in the shower because I couldn't squat, it was awful, lucky for me my bf is awesome support and has done everything for me(I highly recommend you have a close friend or s.o. take a few days off to help make things much easier on you). I haven't had much issues sleeping, I have an angle back pillow so I think that helps immensely and I crate my cat while I sleep(he likes to jump on my tummy, AAAHH!) All in all it's like a lazy vacation of Netflix and soft foods for me.

  53. Wow i had my surgery yesterday..today is saturday and i cant seem to stay awake at all...do it hurts so much when i get uo to use the restroom and my belly button incition bleeds when i walk around a lot...anyone else sleeping a lot??? Also i cant really eat and havent been able to go ti the bathroom #2???

  54. Wow i had my surgery yesterday..today is saturday and i cant seem to stay awake at all...do it hurts so much when i get uo to use the restroom and my belly button incition bleeds when i walk around a lot...anyone else sleeping a lot??? Also i cant really eat and havent been able to go ti the bathroom #2???

  55. Glad to see I'm not alone in this! Surgery was ~16 hrs ago and here I sit, wide awake. I was trying to determine whether to lay flat or upright. Seems to me it must be a matter of preference. Like, there's no hard and fast rule. THE GAS IS THE WORST. That is where most of my pain is coming from..abdominal bloating. The incisions hurt while getting up and while walking. So, pretty much, I'm not getting relief no matter what I do. They have me on Percocet but Norco seemed to work better for me. May try the suggestion of just Advil tomorrow. Thanks for listening...ugh!

  56. Had my gallbladder out on Wednesday and now Friday morning. First night no sleep at all as in so much discomfort. Didn't matter what Way I tried to lie, it was agony.

    Last night fell asleep but woke up unable fl breath. Felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest! Am propped up against two pillows but shoulder, neck and back hurting and have a rattle sound when I breath - is this normal?! Can't lie on either side as stabbing pains across abdomen at at wounds (navel one leaking) and severe pain in neck on right side. Feel a lot worse than I ever did during an attack and wishing I hadn't had the surgery now!! Please tell me it gets better..

  57. Hi i had my surgery 2 days ago...woke up went about my aay getting ready for work and just all of a sudden was knock down with pain. Hubby rushed me to E...few hours later i was waking up from my surgery. Your comments is so helpful and im glad im not alone in this. Im on day 3 and im so sore and uncomfortable....couldnt understand why it was more comfortable on my right side when the incisions is there was worried about tearing then or hurting myself....staying hopeful and just want a good nights sleep. Miss the hospital beds lol never thought i would ever say that lol...good luck to everyone still recovering or under going surgery

  58. I had my gallbladder surgery yesterday. I am still sore. Its hard when your used to putting your own child to bed. I am sleeping on the couch since I am scared to sleep in my own bed right now.

  59. I had my surgery yesterday and I am still sore. Hard to get up off the couch. I hope to get better soon. My 2 year old little girl hates it when her mommy can't hold her.

  60. 01:30 and have just been to the loo. Feels so sure to move. Too of my abdomen feels really painful but this time wasn't quite as bad as the last time.
    Did this search to understand what it is that's sore and am I damaging something when I use my abdominal muscles. Had my surgery just over 12 hours ago. Felt really groggy and horrible for hours but that was down to the morphine. Feeling much brighter now.

  61. Thanks for all your come BT's, they're so reassuring. I had surgery on 30 August. I have the bloating which is quite uncomfortable. I too was worried about BM and thankfully went after 2 1/2 days, normally and with no pain. I do have pain in my top incision and the navel when I sit up or stand up after sitting down for a while (stretching out). Other than that and getting in and out of bed recovery is fairly speedy. I just need to remember not to over do anything. I was told I could eat anything straightaway but have stuck to vegetables, cereal and fresh and dried fruit and feel fine. Wishing you all a speedy recovery. We know this pain is temporary and the future without the pain we suffered prior to surgery far outweighs the next couple of weeks of discomfort.

  62. Just had Lap Chole today at 1130am.
    was home by 330pm.
    im in some pain but not terrible. I keep getting dizzy spells and nausea. Wounds oozed a bit. Lots of noises comimg from abdominal area haha. it is tight in chest to take deep breaths which stinks.

  63. Had Lap Chole at 1130am today and was home by 330pm.
    im sore but no pain meds taken.
    wounds oozed a bit but seem ok.
    tight chest taking a deep breath.
    lots of noises coming from upper abd area haha.
    dizzy spells and nausea comes and goes as well..
    Be well all...

  64. 2 days post-op. Burning sharp pain where GB was when going from sit/stand and walking. Taking 400-800mg ibprofen. No change in appetite. Extremely tired. Waking from anesthesia I got really bad shakes. This is normal from loss of body temp during intubation, a dose of demerol stopped it. Sore throat and jaw the 1st day. Hoping in 2 more days ill feel more human.

  65. Now over a month since I had surgery and feeling human again. The first week is the worst but honestly, it does get better. I can't eat meat (makes me feel physically sick) and have to watch fat intake and creamy sauces but otherwise, I'm back at eating everything I did before (even ice cream ....in small amounts!).

    So hang in there. It does improve..

  66. Just over 24-36 hours post-op, lap chole. Bellybutton incision hurts worst. Bloated like crazy. Can feel gas moving through my system but not passing it yet, no BM yet. I'm avoiding the Narco as I know what it does to me. Been taking 400-800mg ibuprofen every 6 hours and it's helping. Ate some grilled chicken and salad with quinoa. I definitely knew when I was full! Can't drive or return to work "until further notice". Go see the surgeon for follow up in 2 weeks. So glad I found this blog, thank you for your stories! Joined a couple groups on Facebook for support. Have burped a few times, shoulder pain from air comes and goes. Took a shower today using the foaming soap they gave me at the hospital. Surgeon said I was full of gallstones, two were at least 2cm diameter and my bile duct was blocked. GB was inflamed and it was close to my liver. I'm lucky, I guess. Had pain after eating for a week before I was literally forced to go to the ER. I hope things go as close to normal as possible quickly so I can drive and get back to work or find a new job.

    I hope everyone else heals quickly and no complications, and that those who are scared realize that if you don't get your GB removed, it could turn fatal. Get the surgery. It's going to save your life in the long run.

  67. Had my gall bladder removed today. I had been battling stones and diseased gb for years. I feel so healthy overall aside from the pain of course. This is same day surgery so im quite miserable right now. Choosing no narcotics and alternating tylenol and advil. Tried chickenbroth and jello so far so good.

  68. Had my gall bladder removed today. I had been battling stones and diseased gb for years. I feel so healthy overall aside from the pain of course. This is same day surgery so im quite miserable right now. Choosing no narcotics and alternating tylenol and advil. Tried chickenbroth and jello so far so good.

  69. Had mine out yesterday around noon. Slept mostly sitting up in a chair a few hours at a time. Switching from oxy to ibuprofen and Tylenol this evening. Feeling a little better today, hopefully it continues tomorrow. The shoulder pain has completely subsided as well which is a huge relief.

  70. Thank you so much for sharing the good the bad and the ugly!
    I am scheduled for surgery in a week (unless I have another attack and then will go to the ER) and your comments and suggestions are helpful. The handout I was given by the surgeon said you could return to work within a week of the lap chole, is this true?

  71. Thank you all for sharing, i feel much better prepared (and will go shopping before mu surgery). The handout from the surgeon said if you have a desk job you would be able to return to work within a week, any comments?

    1. Yes, I agree with one week. I tried to go back after 2 days or so and that was a mistake! The painkillers made me unable to work. A week should be ok. Will still likely be uncomfortable though

  72. Hey. Thanks for the amazing post. And 7 years later it’s still very helpful.
    Had my laparoscopy yesterday. Im 22 hours after my surgery and the worst pain is the right shoulder and when I tried to sleep yesterday.

    I stayed up after the surgery at 9:30 am all the way till 2 am till I felt comfortable to try and get some sleep.
    Elevated back with pillows was the only comfortable position.

    1. Hang in there, first few days suck. It does get better, and at this stage of my life I forget I even had the surgery 99 percent of the time. But give yourself the slack and rest you need

  73. I'm now on day 6 the pain is still around my abdomen my fear is when I lay down that my cut on my belly button may open. This is also still painful bc my bed is so high. What helped me with the gas was "Milk of Magnesium ". Does anybody else still have this pain when laying down any other advise then using pillows? Hope everybody has a speedy recovery. NS

  74. I had my gb removed a week ago as an emergency . Still unable to drive as very uncomfortable . Not had a bowel movement either . Meant to be going back to work on sunday ( 2 weeks after op ) the nurse has told me to see the surgeon and get signed off longer because my job is manual handling and no option of lighter work . I walked my dog this morning which seemed like a good idea at the time . Not such a good idea now im in a lot of discomfort

  75. Well “oldbackstop”....you have been great helping all others since your op several years ago....Well Done . I also wanted to add my comments re my experience. This is my day 4 post op....I am still sleeping on sofa propped up with lots of pillows, I have coffee table near enough for me to prop my feet up as it helps with pains.
    Day 1 was awful, day 2 slept a lot and eat little, drank lots of water and stopped taking the codein tabs I realised by day 2 that it was the codein tabs the clinic gave me were causing the terrible cramp like pains in my tummy, I thought I was going to end up back in hospital ! But, thank goodness after me stopping them and just taking the occasional paracetamol I have been feeling much better. so far on day 4 I am still very bloated, bruised, swollen, haven’t tried laying on my side yet, I’m lucky enough to have a helpful hubby, bless him, I have been feeling hungry for some strange reason, I have enjoyed reading all the comments and stories on here, so thank you one and all, and I am looking forward to being ‘one of the post op oldies’ ! I will give an update in a couple of weeks, if you are pre op , please don’t worry it really is not that bad.😁

  76. Well last week while on vacation in the USA i developed violent stomach pains ,as the day wore on I began throwing up really badly and had a fever then chills. I have felt so ill and at 2.00am she drove me to Hospital. I threw up at reception which got their attention.I had shortness of breath and thought this is it I am a gonner. I was admitted with acute pancreatitis and gall stones. My gall bladder came out 4 days after as it was too inflamed to operate straight away. The keyhole surgery went well but the Hospital was a hell hole where sleep was impossible. The day after the Operation mot stomach distended again and by this near death experience. Joe

  77. Oldbackstop, thank you for this! I have not even scheduled my surgery yet, but I will take notes and I so appreciate everybody who commented! Although I have to say that now I am very scared of the intubation :( but we shall see what happens. Thanks again :)

  78. I got my GB removed on 3/30/18 going on my 3rd week was scared when first got the surgery done but I'm recovering great I return to work a week after surgery is desk work and my incisions seem to be healing great I just took all the tape of the incision just not the belly button one that one seems to have a very small piece of plastic string sticking out from the stiches and it still sensitive when I try to get something from the floor but every day I wake up better the worst day is day 1 and 2

  79. Hey everyone. I bad my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago.
    Symptoms: hardcore pain in my upper abdomen, which was misdiagnosed as an ulcer.
    Originally, I went to the ER right after work, not necessarily because the pain was unbearable, but I wanted to know why I was in pain for 3 consistent days. They did a sonogram and said I had a dilated bile duct and a small stone, and needed to have immediate surgery. They gave me a shot in my butt for pain, and transported me downtown to another hospital. After being admitted, I was scheduled for 1700 surgery, which was delayed due to the surgeon being called elsewhere, and then rescheduled for a 0900 surgery. Well, 0900 came and then i was told 1700 that day. I was already going on 48 hours no food or drink, only small ice chips and a constant IV drip. At 1800 i went under the knife, and they removed my gallbladder. It was pretty much black and had 2 stones almost the size of golfballs! When I went back to the room, I ate like a freaking horse (2 sandwiches, 3 jellos, 6 apple juices, and 3 bananas), and was discharged the following morning at around 1100. The first day was painful, as the air was trapped inside me (the co2 they pump you with). When I got home I was still pretty drugged up and just slept sitting up, because laying down sucked real bad. The next day, I walked around outside trying to release some gas, but nothing. I did eat all day though hahaha, and again slept sitting up that night. 3rd day....finally I started passing a lot of gas and had a bowel movement. But, now it hurt so bad...so so bad to take a deep breath. To laugh. To yawn. To cough or burp. I almost started freaking out, but read (on sites like this) that this is normal and part of the healing. The incisions were glued together and were healing up good. On this day I started sleeping laying down, and it started to get better. Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm pretty much good as ever! I can yawn, breath deeply and laugh all just fine. To key to post recovery and healing is to give it time. Allow your body to heal and readjust. You just went through surgery! No heavy lifting (you dont want a hernia) and rest when you're not walking. Hang in there, better days are ahead. God bless!

  80. Absolutely, thank you for your experience & being able to share with other folks going through the same! I know this is years later, but your words still help.

  81. Hey guys, I just had my surgery this am! It amazes me how different everybody is and how it affects us all so differently. I've been pretty good today, but I'm expecting pain tomorrow or Sunday :(

    I so appreciate these posts, old and new!! I was "unknown" just a couple posts above but finally scheduled (& completed) my surgery :) this has been my go-to spot for reading about real life gallbladder removals!!!

    Thank you to ALL who posted cuz this was first surgery ever :)

  82. Wanted to mention so far my shoulder has not hurt, I'm hoping that continues! I took Tylenol right after surgery and I did take a Percocet tonight to try to help me sleep. I've been sleeping on and off all day so I don't feel very tired right now. Pain is pretty much only in the navel incision, but they put a bandage on it so I can't see it (which I like lol). I have slept both leaning back in a recliner chair as well as lying on my left side in bed. The pain does hurt when getting up or sitting down, but it's been ok. I too feel the bloating and have had some gurgles in there LOL

    Far as eating, I had quite a few crackers, some chicken broth, and 3 scrambled eggs with no seasoning...all day. Lots and lots of water, I can't believe how much I'm urinating omg lol. I'm 46 and decently healthy but obese, if that helps.

  83. I enjoyed reading your post/experience. I just had my gallbladder removed yesterday afternoon and I am having problems sleeping on both side. I'm not used to sleeping on my back and upright. My name is Thelma. I will take out on your tips and advice. Everything I have read about day 1 is exactly what I am going through now. Thanks again.

  84. Hello. I am 4 days post op with emergency gallbladder removal laparoscopic. Constipation and tugging feeling in my ab area seem to be my biggest issue I also start a new job in 2 days so wish me luck. I feel pretty good overall.

  85. Thanks for the advise everyone, I was a little worried about the neck,shoulder pain, and the gas build up, was on my way back to the ER but after reading many if not all of the post, I think I'm right on track 5 days post-op again Thanks All

  86. Thanks for your blog and even though you wrote it 6 years ago it helps me. I had my gallbladder removed this morning and I'm in pain and stomach all bruised up. And I have surgical glue and I was wondering is it better to take a shower on the third day? And I'm a left side sleeper so it's I'm guessing it's better that I don't sleep on my left side at first?

  87. Hi everyone. Love this blog. It has been so informative for me. This is
    day 4 and its 11:30pm. Cant sleep. Cant get comfortable. I want to lay down and sleep but just cant get comfortable. Im sitting in the recliner reading all the comments and feeling optimistic that every day is a better day and regular sleep at night is just ahead. I didnt know what to expect from my surgery. I wish I had found this blog ahead of time. However it has still been very beneficial to me. A lot of your experiences sound just like mine so I feel confident Im on the right track to healing and feeling better. Good luck to all upcoming surgeries and quick healing to everyone.

  88. Hi..I had my surgery 2 days ago. First day was a little painful and I had at least 7 rounds of hiccups. I slept about 3hrs the first night but nothing since. I've been sitting mostly but now my legs are swelling. Spent the last 3hrs just walking around the house. I want to sleep but have been given conflicting info. Some say don't lay on your side...or...don't sleep flat...or...sleep elevated...or...sleep hanging from the chandelier...nothing is comfortable and I'm scared something will rupture if I sleep the wrong way... :/

  89. I had my surgery yesterday. Today I had an allergic reaction to the oxcycodon they put me on. Doctor gave me tramadol instead, along with benadryl to help with the itching. I've tried food just light stuff like tuna fish or rice and beans. Also I can't get comfortable at all. Sleeping on my back is most comfortable for me. Like some of you all the pain from gas is in my shoulders. I've been taking Tylenol for my pain. Good luck to you on your journey it's painful.

  90. I had my surgery yesterday. Today I had an allergic reaction to the oxcycodon they put me on. Doctor gave me tramadol instead, along with benadryl to help with the itching. I've tried food just light stuff like tuna fish or rice and beans. Also I can't get comfortable at all. Sleeping on my back is most comfortable for me. Like some of you all the pain from gas is in my shoulders. I've been taking Tylenol for my pain. Good luck to you on your journey it's painful.

  91. Hi I'm day 3 after surgery (gallbladder removal and umbilical hernia repair). I found a teaspoon of peppermint essence in a cup of warm water helped enormously with the trapped gas and my daughter massaged my shoulders which also really helped get the gas moving. Trying to sleep has been the worst part for me as my lower back is very sore, The propped up elevated position with a pillow behind the knees does help though and I made sure I got up and walked for a few minutes as often as I could. No BM yet but I've just taken a probiotic so fingers crossed that will help as I really don't fancy the lemon flavour fibre gel the hospital gave me. Good luck to all and wishing everyone a speedy recovery

  92. Had my surgery Wednesday, which was 4 days ago, did anyone have their arms an legs go to sleep when they lay down?

  93. I had my surgery this morning and the pharmacy didn't fill my meds because they said it would clash with my xannex even though the Dr k ew what meds I was on.I am in pain it hurts to breathe cough sneeze laugh you name it. I do get sports of hunger and it took me a long time to get that nasty taste out of my mouth. I took a nap on the reclining couch and had a dream all my organs were falling to one side anyway I lay hurts and I am very uncomfortable but I am trying to grin and bare it I just want to sleep comfortably and the pillows aren't helping instead they are hurting my neck and body idk what to do so I feel my sleeoing pill will help we shall see I just hurt and I want to cry but I have to be strong so my hunny doesn't worry about me he's been worried enough. I hope I find peace and comfort

  94. Great chat...very helpful. And I love that its been going for several years now. I had laparoscopic gallbladder removal last Thursday morning and came home same day. Felt fine at first, though bloated and swollen abdomen. No nausea, no shoulder pain. Intense pain at the larger incision site that was used to pull the GB out. Getting in and out of bed was terrible, but I could get comfy once I was down, using multiple pillows. So, Friday I felt okay, walked around the house, ate some food. Saturday even better, walked a bit outside, did a few dishes, had my first postop bowel movement. Sunday started good, then started feeling very full, bloated by evening and by Monday am I was in intense abdominal pain with vomiting. Honestly not sure how I lived through yesterday, didnt even call the doctor, I was just trying to get through one moment to the next. By 8 pm I was able to keep some anti nausea meds down. By 6:30 this morning, Tuesday, the pain subsided enough that I got in to bed and slept for a few hours. I dont know what yesterday was all about but if it had continued today I would be seeking emergency help. Today, 5 days post op, I am still worse than the first 2 days but I am much better than yesterday. Should say that I am 62. Age seems to matter a lot with recovery. Ice pack is essential for incision site to numb it, but a heating pad over my stomach seemed to relieve the pain a bit yesterday.

  95. Had my surgery yesterday and find I cannot lay at all on my right air or straight back. The pain is excruciating.. I find sitting with extra support under me is better. Took my pain medicine that was prescribed and pain seems to be subsiding. Wondering if pain normal or should I call doctor in AM?
